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Homonyms Task Cards Multiple Meaning Words


Scoop up some reading fun with these ice cream themed homonyms task cards and teach your students about multiple meaning words!

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Homonyms Task Cards

Do your students struggle to understand homonyms or multiple meaning words? One of the best strategies they can learn is how to use context clues to understand word meaning. That skill is the focus of these homonym task cards.

  • 24 Task Cards

  • Recording Sheet

  • Answer Key


Each task card has a sentence containing a homonym or homograph. Students must use sentence-level context to determine the meaning of that underlined word and choose the correct definition.

These cards have a fun ice cream theme, so answer choices are marked by either a chocolate scoop or a strawberry scoop!

Additional information

Grade Level

2nd, 3rd



Resource Type

Task Cards

File Type



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