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Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes Zoo Animals Game


Your students will love feeding all the zoo animals as they practice telling time with this math game!

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Feeding Time At the Zoo Telling Time Game

Are you looking for a fun way for your students practice telling time? Feeding Time At The Zoo is the perfect game for you! With a focus on telling time to 5 minutes, this game is sure to engage your students and make learning fun.

This game is for 2 to 5 players but can be easily adapted for independent work. The goal is for students to match their animals’ feeding times with the correct analog clocks. The first player to feed all of his animals is the winning zookeeper!



  • 20 zoo animal cards

  • 20 time cards with analog clocks

  • How to Play Instructions


This game is so easy to understand making it perfect for your math centers or to send home with students to play with their families! It can be played over and over because students will get different animals with different feeding times each time. This means that your students can continue to practice their math skills and improve their accuracy

Additional information

Grade Level

1st, 2nd



Resource Type

Games, Math Centers

File Type



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