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Groundhog Day Facts Informational Text Booklet 2nd 3rd Grade Reading


This Groundhog Day booklet is a fun way to build reading skills in 2nd to 3rd grade!

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Groundhog Day Facts Booklet

This Groundhog Day informational text reading activity is a fun way for 2nd or 3rd graders to learn about the holiday and build essential literacy skills!

As your students complete the book, they will learn all kinds of interesting Groundhog Day facts. They will also determine main idea, use context clues and text features, and learn new vocabulary.



  • 6-chapter printable book

  • Cut-and-glue titles

  • Vocabulary cards with definitions

  • Vocabulary graphic organizer

  • Links to supplemental websites and videos

  • Answer key



  • When is Groundhog Day?

  • What is a groundhog?

  • How did Groundhog Day get started?

  • Groundhog Day traditions

  • Weather prediction

  • Punxsutawney Phil


How to Use This Resource

This Groundhog Day informational text activity makes an excellent task for your centers. It can also be used for independent reading practice or during your guided reading groups.

To complete the interactive book, students:

  • Read each page, using context clues to fill in the missing information

  • Select the best title for each chapter by determining the main idea

  • Complete the table of contents by adding titles in the correct spot

  • Use a glossary to understand new vocabulary

  • Complete a text features activity – create a diagram


The vocabulary and definition cards can be used during whole group instruction to build background knowledge or as a matching activity during centers. The companion graphic organizer can be used to further reinforce learning of new vocabulary.

What are Interactive Reading Comprehension Books?

These books are hands-on, cut and glue activity books that can be used in centers, small group, or for independent work. They are a great way to integrate social studies, science, or other topics into your reading instruction. Students will learn all about a specific topic while working with informational text, using text features, determining main idea, and gaining new vocabulary. These

The interactive features and interesting content makes this Groundhog Day informational text activity great for even reluctant readers!

Additional information

Grade Level

2nd, 3rd



Resource Type

Mini Books

File Type



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