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Comparing Fractions Worksheets Posters Task Cards


This comparing fractions resource teaches students how to compare fractions using models and number lines, determine which fraction is greater, and identify basic equivalent fractions.



  • Posters

  • Task Cards

  • Worksheets

  • Card Game

  • Answer Keys


These activities are appropriate for third grade math instruction and fourth grade review.


Anchor Charts/Posters

These can be used as visual supports during instruction or hung up for students to refer to during independent work. Includes 3 posters: equivalent fractions definition, how to compare fractions using bar models, how to compare fractions on a number line


Task Cards

Includes 12 tasks that require students to interpret and answer questions by comparing fractions and fraction models



  • Worksheet 1 – Students identify and label equivalent fractions on a number line, color in fraction circles to create equivalent fractions, and solve a word problem by drawing a model to prove their answer.

  • Worksheet 2 – Students plot and compare fractions on a number line, and color in bar models to compare fractions.

  • Worksheet 3 – Students compare fraction circles to determine which shows that larger fraction and solve word problems by drawing a model (circle, bar, or number line).


Comparing Fractions Math Center Game

This two-player game involves visual comparison of fraction circles. It is played like the game War. Students each turn over a card showing a fraction circle. The person with the larger fraction keeps both cards. Whoever ends up with the most cards at the end is the winner. Includes halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, and eighths.

Additional information

Grade Level




Resource Type

Math Centers, Task Cards, Visual Aids, Worksheets

File Type



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