How-To Procedural Writing Templates
This set of how-to booklets and graphic organizers help students develop procedural writing and sequencing skills.
All of the materials are provided for both 4-step and 5-step sequences.
How To Booklets
Students write their own little how-to book to explain a procedure of your choice (or let them choose).
cover page
materials-needed checklist
one page for each step in the process
Procedural Writing Graphic Organizers
how-to writing with each step listed separately
how-to timelines with pictures and written steps
how-to paragraph writing with illustrated steps at the top
Sequencing Pictures
These are cut-and-paste pictures that fit in the boxes on the graphic organizer templates or in the booklets. They are a great visual prompt for students as they write. Once students are more proficient with sequencing and procedural writing, you can let them generate their own topics and draw their own pictures for each step.
Includes picture sequences for:
how to carve a pumpkin
how to brush your teeth
how to plant flowers
how to wrap a present
how to make lemonade
how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- how to mail a letter
These procedural writing templates and how to booklets are great for your literacy centers or writer’s workshop time in first grade, second grade, and early third grade.
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