Plant Structure and Growth Scavenger Hunt
This plant structure, function, and growth resource is a great way to combine science, reading, and movement.
20 fact cards about plants, plant structure, and growth
Basic question/recording sheet
Challenge question/recording sheet
Answer keys
To complete the activity, spread the fact cards around the room. Give each students a copy of the question/recording sheet. Send them around the room to find cards that contain the answers to the questions on their sheets. This involves reading short passages of text to find specific information about plants, their structure, and growth.
There are 2 versions of the recording sheet:
Basic – tells students which card to read to find the answer.
Challenge – requires them to find which card contains the needed information and then read find the answer.
This plants structure and growth scavenger hunt activity can be used with any size group.
This resource can also be used during a whole group lesson. Large (full-page) fact cards are included so you can project them onto your whiteboard. Read the passage together and then have students find a question on their recording sheet that can be answered by the information on the card.
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