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Non-Fiction Text Features Bingo Game and Cards


This text features bingo game is a fun way for students to practice and build reading skills!

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Non-Fiction Text Features Bingo Game

This text features bingo game is a fun way for students to practice and build reading skills!

With a Powerpoint presentation that runs the game, you are free to work with students or circulate through the room.


  • 26 text features bingo cards

  • Powerpoint presentation

  • Printable calling cards

  • Instructions

  • “Cheat sheet” to keep track of words called


Each slide of the presentation shows an example of a text feature. Students find and mark the name of text feature on their bingo cards.

The slides advance automatically, so you can start the game and then get something else done or circulate the room to help students while they play.

This text features bingo game also has a shuffle feature that lets you shuffle the slides with the click of a button. That means you can play over and over!

Printable calling cards are included in case you don’t have Powerpoint or prefer to print smaller cards to use in your guided reading groups.

This non-fiction text features bingo game is an easy-to-use activity that everyone will enjoy! For extra fun, use candy as your game markers.

Additional information

Grade Level

2nd, 3rd, 4th



Resource Type


File Type

PDF, Powerpoint


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