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Counting Money Game Fun Grocery Shopping Activity


The Grocery Game is a highly engaging activity to teach kids how to count money. Students compete to fill their grocery bags without running out of cash. A very fun and effective way to practice this math skill!

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Grocery Shopping Counting Money Game

The Grocery Game is a highly engaging math activity that provides students with a hands-on way to practice counting money! It includes options for differentiation to meet the needs of a variety of students.

I love using games to teach math because it is a highly effective way to reinforce important skills and the kids love it! This game has been a favorite of my class every year. It is truly fun to play and can be enjoyed by students at various levels.



  • Students learning to count sets of mixed coins

  • Students learning to count sets of like coins

  • Hands-on learners who need a more engaging way to practice this skill

  • Special ed students or adults learning the life skills of shopping, budgeting, and making food choices


How to Play This Counting Money Game

Players take turns picking food cards to fill up their grocery bags. The goal is to purchase one food from each group. Every food card has a price, so students must pay for each item by counting out the correct amount of money from their “wallets.”

Once all players have filled their bags, they all count their money to see who has the most left. For added challenge, two coupon cards allow players to subtract money from the purchase prices.

This game lets students apply math skills in a real-life scenario rather than just completing worksheets. It can be played over and over again for repeated practice.



  • game mats

  • banker’s mat

  • coin value reference cards

  • food cards

  • printable money
  • coupon cards



This counting money game includes an extra set of food cards without prices so you can customize them with different money amounts if you wish. This allows your students to play the game with prices ending in zeros (or fives) if you want to simplify it.

If you don’t have play money to use along with this game, printable money is included. However, plastic coins like those included in many math kits work much better.



❤️ “My GT students loved the game. Kept asking to play again :)” – Janice

❤️ “This was a life saver for my career skills class. I used the blank cards to differentiate for my 2 groups. Using one group to count coins up to .10 and then my other group did mixed bills and coins! They loved it, this will be a regular in our rotation!”

❤️ “So this is about the only time my clients LOVE to do math! They enjoy choosing their own groceries. The stimuli that come with this set are really wonderful. Kids love it. Add your own good quality play money. I also have checks for older kids. I utilize two functional math skills, estimating and calculator use. I’m thinking that I might add an additional functional skill, making a grocery list prior to “shopping” at the store. This is really a great math teaching tool and it inspires lots of other great ideas. Thanks!” – Carrie P.

More ideas you can use: Fun Activities to Teach Counting Money

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Grade Level




Resource Type

Games, Math Centers

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4 reviews for Counting Money Game Fun Grocery Shopping Activity

  1. Cindy R

    A wonderful game! All of my students were able to play and learn. Excellent resource!!

  2. Luke Liston

    A great resource that allows students to work on foundational money skills in a meaningful way!

  3. Angela G.

    I worked with this activity with a small group of first graders. This activity was engaging and they enjoyed it so much that they begged to do it again the next time that I worked with them!

  4. Nadine M.

    Great activity that allowed my daughter to have exposure to real world math! Thank you!

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